This next list is going to shout out a few popular podcasts that can provide hours of entertainment. This is not a ranking of any sorts. Some of these shows I actually listen to, others were suggested by a few of you guys. I think you nerds will dig this list, but please, if theres a show you think people need to know, send us details!
Last Podcast On The Left is a show that's been recommended multiple times to us. Its suggested for fans of true crime, humor and the paranormal. Visit them on Twitter for more details at
Talk is Jericho is one of my personal favorites. Pro Wrestler and rock star, Chris Jericho chats with guests on topics ranging from horror, music, wrestling and more! Follow the show on Twitter:
Gettin Better w/ Ron Funches- The hilarious comedian, Ron Funches, talks life and more on his podcast. Find info on
Ashtrays & Action Figures- Geeks and underground hip-hop duo, Twizted, talk toys, collectibles and more on their show. I've listened to a few episodes and found it pretty entertaining!
Hollywood Babble-On - Is just one of the great shows from writer/director/super geek Kevin Smith's production team and friends. I wasnt going to list them all because that would be a whole article on it's own, but you can find their shows here:
Joe Rogan Experience: Joe Rogan of UFC and standup comedy fame brings his long running, and one of the most popular shows. He invites guests from all different entertainment backgrounds to chat on his award winning podcast.
Levar Burton Reads- This is a new show started by fan favorite actor Levar Burton to entertain us during social distancing. Mr. Burton is know best as Geordi La Forge from Star Trek TNG, and as the host of the classic show from most of our childhood, Reading Rainbow! Who doesn't want to hear short stories read by the freakin' Reading Rainbow guy?
Best Of Coast to Coast AM- Cost to Coast AM is a show discussing weird and inexplicable occurences, UFOs and many other strange topics. Very interesting an entertaining stuff. They air on hundreds of radio stations but archive episodes as podcasts too. This show was my go to when I used to work the night shift!
The Paranormal Podcast- Jim Harold's discussions on the paranormal also come highly recommended by our followers, and have gotten millions of listens. Might be worth a listen at!
Horror Movie Podcast- Horror Movie Podcast is another recommended show from our followers. Check out for chat about horror movies, from classic to current!
You can find most of these podcasts on popular apps and sites like Stitcher, Spotify, Soundcloud, The Apple Store, Pandora, iheartradio and many more!
Nothing in this list look interesting? There are thousands of shows out there if you look, literally covering any topic imaginable. Just search, it's not like we dont have the extra time on our hands at the moment.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned.
Be well,
Be well,
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout