Meet Malvolia: The Queen Of Screams
Malvolia, an award winning horror host and actress known as The Queen Of Screams, hosts her own web series, along with an epic Halloween Special she releases each October. You might have seen our mini review of last years Halloween special (if not its available HERE).
Learn more about The Queen Of Screams in our Malvolia Q&A:
TheSteveStrout: What inspired you to become a horror host and what were the biggest inspirations to your character?
Malvolia: Originally, I had written a screenplay treatment for a feature film idea for a franchise. The creator of the franchise hated it, but one of the producers saw something in my idea and encouraged me to move forward with it. Without being under their restrictions, I wanted to take the film into a horror genre that no one was really talking about. A couple months later, I went to Son of Monsterpalooza where they were honoring Elvira and I was in awe of how many people were still huge fans of hers. So, I thought I would make a feature film about a horror hostess! As I was writing, I was going through a "Blair Witch Project" phase and wanted to make her "real", so I decided I would make a six episode webseries, build up a fan base, shoot the feature, and then be done. I based the character off of Vampira and (followed her lead) Morticia Addams. I knew I wanted her to be cynical, evil, and do all things viciously and horrifically possible! To my surprise, people LOVED Malvolia and her evil ways. Here I am, on my way to start Season 3! I never thought I would be here.
TheSteveStrout: What or how were you introduced to the art of the horror host world? (Yes I consider it an art form) What's your earliest memory of horror hosts? (Personally Elvira was EVERYWHERE when I was a kid, and there was stuff like the Cryptkeeper and late night horror flicks for example...I'm too young to have seen the legends besides through research)
Malvolia: Though I knew she existed, I wasn't allowed to watch Elvira - she was a little too risqué. But I did catch episodes of the Cryptkeeper! I honestly thought the whole art form had died until I started researching for my feature film. I stand corrected because I've learned that there are still horror hosts all over the nation working on public access TV!
TheSteveStrout: When did you debut your character?
Malvolia: On January 1, 2017 I released my iconic photo of Malvolia and captioned it, "There's a New Vixen in town!" I prepared for the hate, but all I received was love and support. It was AMAZING!
TheSteveStrout: What have been some of your career highlights to date?
Malvolia: All my Halloween Specials have been a blast to work on and create and I feel my audience really looks forward to them! I won "Best Horror Host" at the Independent Horror Movie Awards (April 2017) and have won and been nominated for varies awards like "Best Actress" "Best Webseries" and "Best Kill" throughout the festival circuit. Indie Director/Producer James Cullen Bressack recommended me to host "The Theatre of the Deranged: Part 3" which was released on Troma a few months back. But my favorite would have to be "10/31". Fans of the film didn't realize that I was an actual horror hostess, so they discovered me through that platform and I've become the face for "10/31 Part II".
TheSteveStrout: What is your personal favorite horror or sci fi movie, and favorite that you've had the opportunity to host on your show?
Malvolia: My favorite horror film of all time is Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho". It's timeless and still can give you the creeps! My favorite film I've hosted so far on my show would have to be "Humbug - A Christmas Horror Short" during my "12 Dark Days of Xmas" . I saw their film at Zed Fest during my screening time and LOVED their film. It's so creative and has a couple twists! I reached out to them asking if I could host their film thinking they would decline, and, to my happy surprise, they agreed!
TheSteveStrout: Where can people view your program?
TheSteveStrout: Since it's the Halloween season, what is your favorite thing about Halloween?
Malvolia: I LOVE Haunted Attractions. Haunted houses and candy apples - now that's my jam!
Enjoy a clip and more photos from Malvolia
Stay tuned all month long to meet some more great Horror Hosts, ranging from up and comers to legendary characters, sharing their love for horror, B movies, creature features, sci fi, and the best (or worst) in film. Also, be on the lookout on our social media for an awesome themed giveaway!
Personally, I'd like to thank you all for reading and enjoying this series of Horror Host profiles im putting together for Halloween, and many thanks to the hosts for taking their time to participate.
It's my honor and pleasure to share my love of the art of the Horror Host, and to share and promote these great performers with you. Stay spooky, my friends!... Steve aka TheSteveStrout
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout