Due to real life circumstances, this show recap took me a lot longer to post than normal, which is a bummer because this convention, the Jet City Comic Show, get bigger and better every year. If you're not a regular attendee at this comic and pop culture convention, then you're missing out. Jet City Comic Show isn't the biggest con in the Northwest U.S., but is is growing in popularity and becoming a yearly nerd reunion for the area fanboy/fangirl crowd!
When checking out this photo gallery you'll find many familiar faces from prior posts here and on this regions convention circuit. Maybe your face shows up in one of these pictures (more incentive to share the article)! Hope you enjoy!
Don't forget, we're always looking for contributors, so if you want to recap cons, review media (comics, tv, movies, books, etc..) or anything else suitable, get in touch!!! We'd love to have ya. Can't pay, but I always make it a point to share geeky goodies I might collect in our work here.
We got some photos from our friend and occasional contributor John aka John Nutter Cosplay. John broke out his Negan cosplay and went on a head bashing spree...
Until the celebrities got a hold of him and gave him a few shots of his own!
Robert Lasardo got his licks in. Its pee pee pants time for John. |
Sandi Sellner aka Alpha 5 from the Power Rangers feeding Lucille too! |
This Five Nights at Freddie's group is fantastic!! |
This Astrid was the costume contest winner! Someone help me find this lady's name! |
Greg Smith, writer of Junior Braves of the Apocalypse, visiting with fans. This is a cool book, for all ages, if you haven't read it yet!! |
Selfie's with Aly Michalka, who portrays Payton on one of my favorite shows, I Zombie! |
Friends and representatives from Costumed Characters 4 Causes. A great costuming organization that raises money for different charities. Great talented group of people. Find out more at: www.facebook.com/CC4Causes |
Space Ghost portrayed by the owner of Destiny City Comics (didn't catch his name) in Tacoma, WA. Check them out online at www.destinycitycomics.com |
Great Casey Jones cosplay!! |
Did I mention the awesome cosplays? |
Ran into our friend and artist Stefano Gaudiano. Stefano is currently inking the Walking Dead comics, and if you remenber, we interviewed him a year or so ago here. Such a nice guy. |
Of course we had to have a Negan and Stefano photo op! |
The R2D2 Builders club were parked next to the Lego group, so we got to enjoy these wonderful pieces! Pictures don't do these justice!!! |
More cosplay fun... |
Spent a lot of time over the weekend hanging and chatting with this Robert Lasardo. Hopefully you read my interview with Robert a couple weeks ago. If not, check it out HERE |
Probably not appropriate, but very unique and funny!!! |
Comic book legendary artist Joe Rubenstein, best known for inking the acclaimed Wolverine mini series in the early 80's. |
Had to get a book signed by him. Found this issuse at teh show because, of course I wasn't prepared (I always forget something)...Cool cover though. |
Stoked to dig into this as soon as possible. It's inked by Jeremy Colwell who we also interivewed recently. Go check it out HERE |
The prior mentioned Scott Adams, also released the trade for the first four issues of his comic, Sukotto! Get yourself a copy! |
Of course I had to add a couple Funko's to my collection. I've been looking for this Ric Flair for a while. |
Thanks for stopping by the site and continuing to do so. Be on the lookout for more interviews and stuff since convention season is winding down until 2017. Don't forget, we'd love to have you contribute!!
Steve Strout is the media mastermind (haha) behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return soon!). Follow him on Instagram at http://instagram.com/thestevestrout, and He can be reached for comments at ptcomedy@yahoo.com on twitter at @thestevestrout