One awesome idea that came to our attention is for you retro-gaming geeks. Who remembers the game Dino Eggs from the early 80's on Apple and Commodore platforms where you travel through time to rescue dino eggs and hatchlings from hazards like snakes, spiders, and fire? Well dude to demand by fan emails, the creator David Schroeder developed a revamped revision of the game, featuring all new hazards, puzzles, and characters in the game! Score one for the retro gamers! Check out the game site and this video clip I love the idea, and plan to check out the new game asap!!
We've discussed the fact that I'm a big Supernatural fan, as are many of you. I also happen to collect Funko Pop figures, so when I fist seen Misty Figs work at a convention, I was really excited. I'd seen SPN character figures I hadn't seen anywhere else, and they looked like they were straight from the factory. Turns out they were custom made figures by superfan Misty! Misty creates these amazing custom Supernatural Pop figures that are a hit with not only collectors, but with the actors the characters she portays. Go check out and pick up a custom piece from her Etsy shop! Her shop is full of not only the Pops, but pins and a ton more merchandise from SPN and beyond. Have a look: ....Beautiful work, Misty!
I also had the chance to chat with Northwest author, C.S. Anderson about his publishing company, Alucard Press, and his books including the Black Irish series.
TheSteveStrout: What are some of the titles available through Alucard press?
C.S. Anderson: We currently have the four books in The Black Irish Chronicles Black Irish, Irish Lullaby, Irish Carbomb and In the Country of the Blind and two books in the spin off Dark Molly series The End of the Beginning and Branded , We have one zombie title called Suffer the little children and our most recent an anthology of horror called Fifty Shades of Slay
CSA: I wrote all of the first books with some co writing credits going to my partner Chris Harris our anthology which we are really proud of features some of the boldest new voices in horror fiction, we had writers from five different countries
TSS: Besides the Fifty Shades of Slay anthology, do the other books tie in together?
CSA: The zombie title is a stand alone otherwise all the other books take place in the same world and are interrelated
TSS: What's the premise of the interrelated series? Vampires if I'm not mistaken?
CSA: The basic premise is that vampires exist and a secret organiaton called the order is charged wit keeping them in line. Vampires that kill humans are hunted by agents called Guns. Joe Gun, our main character is a former Renfield (human slave to master vampire) who is rescued by the order and as penance for helping the vampires get victims he is trained as a gun and charged with killing a rouge vampire for each victim he served up
TSS: This is the Dark Molly series?
CSA: No Dark Molly is a character introduced in country of the blind, an insane vampire with multiple personalites , the description I just gave was for The Black Irish Chronicles
TSS: Where would you suggest a new reader to start with your books?
CSA: Pretty straight forward Black Irish is book one Irish lullaby is book two Irish Car bomb is book three and In the country of the blind concludes the Black Irish series as for Dark Molly book one is The End of the Beginning and takes place mostly before the events of the Black Irish books and Dark Molly book two Branded takes place after the events of In the Country of the Blind
TSS: What are you working on now?
CSA: Dark Molly Book Three titled Bloodbath: The Devils Dancefloor
TSS: You guys are doing the rounds on the convention scene...what shows are we going to see you at in the near future?
CSA: First up is Rusty Con (which takes place next weekend in Seattle), we are planning on Crypticon and Central City in Yakima and Lilac City Comic Con in Spokane (All in Washington).
TSS: Where can the books be found, and where can Alucard Press be followed on social media?
CSA: The books are all available on Amazon as downloads and paperbacks and you can follow us on social media at:
I'm going to be diving in to these books soon and will keep you all posted! Mr Anderson was gracious enough to offer a free book download day to readers all day Friday January 15th, so make sure to grab a copy by following this link HERE on 1/15/16, and give it a read, If Alucard is at a convention near you, tell them you heard about them here!
Getting closer to 1000 followers on Twitter too, and when we hit 1k, we'll have a giveaway!!
Steve Strout is the media mastermind behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return in 2015). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout