Please, check out some or all of these projects and consider supporting them:
-Just this morning I caught wind of Stela, a new comic reader for mobile devices. Rather than the normal "swipe left" page turning of current readers, which can be kind of awkward on your smart phone, you will be able to scroll through pages. The cool thing is that the comics will actually be published for this format, and we'll see lots of exclusive comics. Get more info on Stela (pronounced STEELA) at
- Of course I have to mention the new Ben Templesmith project that our friend Robb Orr did a recent write up on. Check it out again HERE.
- Indie creator and geek podcaster John Horsley released a book collecting his comic strips called Inanimate. Inanimate is a really funny series based on the banter between a pot and pot! Seriously. An actual pot and a marijuana leaf. It's full of puns and plays on words and offers a hilariously literal look at every day situations. The webcomic has been ongoing almost ten years, and Horsley collects them here in this book that you can find at
- Indie creator and geek podcaster John Horsley released a book collecting his comic strips called Inanimate. Inanimate is a really funny series based on the banter between a pot and pot! Seriously. An actual pot and a marijuana leaf. It's full of puns and plays on words and offers a hilariously literal look at every day situations. The webcomic has been ongoing almost ten years, and Horsley collects them here in this book that you can find at
-One of my favorite indie projects I've seen recently was Torchlight Lullaby, which is a story of a young girl facing her fears and feelings with the help of her stuffed mouse, who comes alive in her dreams. It's a beautifully drawn and written fairy tale with a very Disney feel, though it differentiates by adding darker humor, which make this book entertaining to all ages from preteen to old timers. You can support and find out more on Ryan Fisher's comic at
There's a few to get started on. I have a few good looking creator owned and indie published comics to dig in to. Hopefully they're as good as they look and we get them shared here with you all. Keep on submitting your projects, and time permitting, I will get through them all asap. I love supporting new stuff!
Steve Strout is the media mastermind behind this site, host of the Comic Book Swap Meet, nerd, terrible artist, gamer, convention goer and comic book reader who spends more time rescuing toys from thrift shops than a normal adult should. He is also known around the northwest for his promotion of live music and stand-up comedy events and is the creator/producer of the Comic Book Swap Meet mini convention, and Olympic Peninsula Comedy Competition (which will make it's big return in 2015). Follow him on Instagram at, and He can be reached for comments at on twitter at @thestevestrout