If you're in the Northwest over the next month or so, try and check out these fun nerdy events!!!
July 5-6, 2014

July 5th and 6th Bremerton, Washington hosts the first annual GAM CON downtown Bremerton on the waterfront! GAM CON stands for Gaming Anime and Music Convention. The name explains it all. Come out for a weekend of gaming, music, anime, cosplay, and so much more geekiness! I've also gotten involved. Some of you know my background in booking standup comedy, well I managed to bring together a few really funny "geek themed" comedians to perform in a special panel. There will be so much going on, so I wouldn't recommend missing this brand new event. Check out their website at www.gamconvention.com
July 13-14, 2014

I personally hope to make it to this event! Comic Book veteran Donna Barr, puts a lot of hard work into this event every year. I've unfortunately missed the first two due to my work schedule. Here's the press release for the event:
The third annual Clallam Bay Comicon is on the way...
The third annual Clallam Bay Comicon will take place
July 13-14 in the Lion's Club building in Clallam Bay, featuring artists,
discussion panels, music and more. Once again, there will be no admission fee,
and sales table rates are kept very low. All creatives are welcome to show. The
unusual schedule (Sunday-Monday) allows comic shops to attend.
The show organizer, Donna Barr, says this may be the
last year for the show, but she only put it on to prove she could do
"If I can do it 'way out here, anybody can do it. The
largest nearby town, Port Angeles, has many facilities - space and hotel
accommodations, eateries, excellent inexpensive bus service, local attractions
and accessible wilderness - that would make a comicon a success, and once a town
has a comicon, the opportunities for all businesses just grow. The whole
entertainment industry and trees - can you beat it?"
For full information on attending the show, follow the links at http://www.donnabarr.com
August 23, 2014

Hopefully you can make it to one or all of these events if you're local..Or not local and want a reason for a road trip.
As always before I close out the post, I have to self promote.
Be sure to check out the Comic Book Swap Meet group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookswapmeet/
Follow me on Twitter:www.twitter.com/thestevestrout
And keep on enjoying www.thestevestrout.com ...Though my name is in the title, I do it to entertain you all!! Don't forget to keep your eyes opened for my giveaways through said social media outlets...
August 23, 2014

Hopefully you can make it to one or all of these events if you're local..Or not local and want a reason for a road trip.
As always before I close out the post, I have to self promote.
Be sure to check out the Comic Book Swap Meet group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/comicbookswapmeet/
Follow me on Twitter:www.twitter.com/thestevestrout
And keep on enjoying www.thestevestrout.com ...Though my name is in the title, I do it to entertain you all!! Don't forget to keep your eyes opened for my giveaways through said social media outlets...