After a three month break, Sex Criminals returns with the beginning of its second storyline.

In its sixth issue, Sex Criminals strikes an unlikely serious tone, taking a look at relationships after the excitement wears off. Add to the mix an issue devoted to examining Jon's teetering emotional state and you have the makings for some very serious drama. Writer Matt Fraction takes us on a frank and honest tour through Jon's mind, as the character wrestles with his problems. In much the same way that the sex portrayed in this comic is never exploitative, neither is Jon's disintegration played for cheap laughs or show. As always, artist and co-creator Chip Zdarsky captures the world of Sex Criminals with an everyday style that makes it instantly recognizable.
Make no mistake, Sex Criminals is for a mature, adult audience. If interested, this is a decent jumping on point, but I highly recommend seeking out the first arc.
For more info about this Image Comics release, check out:
Joe David Thompson has been doing media reviews for websites such as Red Carpet Crash and the 405 Music Blog. For any questions or comments for Joe David Thompson, you can email him at and follow him on twitter @jovid52