Just popping in to mention a few new things.
First of all, I'm sure I've mentioned the Comic Book Swap Meet a thousand times, right? That is a perodical event we do here in Port Townsend where we have comic lovers, vendors, gamers, and anyone else thats into nerdy stuff get together and have a small convention of sorts. Look back in the archives and get an idea what we do here, click me! ......Pretty cool eh? Well I know you all cant come and hang with us here in the Northwest, so I decided to make a Facebook group for the Comic Book Swap Meet, and it just so happens to be called Comic Book Swap Meet. Come join our group. Lets talk about our favorite comics, games, movies, and whatever other geeky stuff we can come up with. Join the group. Share it. Tweet about it, and use #ComicBookSwapMeet when you do! Let's get that shit trending, haha!!
I'm also using the Comic Book Swap Meet group as a forum to round up interested parties and get an actual Comic and pop culture convention going here. Yes, it will probably be called the Comic Book Swap Meet! Were not talking San Diego or Emerald City Comicon status. Just a fun, local, fan and creator (hopefully) run event. Get over to the page. Join us. Give us ideas. We want to hear from people with convention experience!!
Got a comedy event booked here in Port Townsend on April 27th. I run this yearly stand-up competition. It gets bigger and better every year!!!

Oh!! I'm really excited that Crypticon is almost here. Last weekend in May. I'm working a table for a rock band called the Toxik Idols. I don't know much about them except i dug their music. I came across their page and listened to a few tunes. Pretty rockin stuff, so I liked their facebook page. Well a couple weeks ago, their management emailed me out of the blue, and asked if i wanted to work their booth at Crypticon, which meant they cover my admission. I was already going to go anyways, so FUCK YEAH I will work for you. I got a couple good friends working it with me too! Should be an epic weekend!! It will be interesting working the other side of the table at a con. If you live in the Northwest, and love horror, come hang out at Crypticon with us!
Be sure to check out my friend Ray Wegner, who's work has been published by Image, and his site: Ray Wegner's page. and new online store and buy some of his art! I really dig his work.
Who else is looking forward to this Defiance show on SyFy? I miss the Walking Dead already and need to fill the void. Doctor Who helps a little, but October is a long ways away, dammit!!!
Oh well, that's it for me. I'm exhausted! Joing the Comic Book Swap Meet group..Share it..Tweet it..WAtch for me to do more interviews with some cool guests, and even do neat-o prizes for sharing and reading!